On Wednesday, February 25, two great American Heart Association volunteers educated the House Housing Finance and Policy and Public Health Finance Committee about the importance of prevention heart disease and stroke in Minnesota.
Dr. Russell Luepker, from the University of Minnesota and a member of the State Advocacy Committee, provided key legislators information about the prevalence of heart disease and stroke across Minnesota. He also focused on key trends demonstrating the increases in obesity and other rick factors associated with heart disease and stroke.
Dr. Mary Boylan, cardiologist from St. Luke’s Hospital in Duluth, also appeared in front of the committee and provided information about how prevention of heart disease and stroke can make significant impacts on the health of Minnesotans and can reduce death, disability and save in health care costs. She emphasized the importance passing key legislation aimed at preventing heart disease and stroke across Minnesota. This includes instilling healthy habits in our kids through quality physical education, increasing access to heart screenings for uninsured and underinsured women and funding the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Unit at the Minnesota Department of Heath.
Learn more about each of these key policies:
Heart Disease and Prevention Funding
Quality Physical Education can address Childhood Obesity
Women's Heart Health Promotion Act
Dr. Mary Boylan, cardiologist from St. Luke’s Hospital in Duluth, also appeared in front of the committee and provided information about how prevention of heart disease and stroke can make significant impacts on the health of Minnesotans and can reduce death, disability and save in health care costs. She emphasized the importance passing key legislation aimed at preventing heart disease and stroke across Minnesota. This includes instilling healthy habits in our kids through quality physical education, increasing access to heart screenings for uninsured and underinsured women and funding the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Unit at the Minnesota Department of Heath.
Learn more about each of these key policies:
Heart Disease and Prevention Funding
Quality Physical Education can address Childhood Obesity
Women's Heart Health Promotion Act