Throughout the year, our blog will feature AHA volunteer stories of survival and hope. We know there are thousands of stories like these - thats why we want to say “Thanks” to all of you for giving your time and sharing your lives with us. You can’t spell CURE without U! Thank you for all you do to build healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke. YOU’RE THE CURE!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tell Governor Dayton Minnesota can’t afford NOT to Fund SHIP!

Minnesota is a leader in focusing on prevention efforts through legislation that passed in 2008. The Minnesota Legislature and Governor Pawlenty started the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) in 2008 that promised to bring down health care costs by addressing obesity and tobacco use. By addressing these two primary preventable risk factors for heart disease, Minnesota could see a 5% decrease in health care costs by 2015 through the full implementation of SHIP. Who wouldn’t want to see health care costs go down by over $2 billion by 2015?

The program is up and running in every county in the state promoting physical activity and access to healthier food in workplaces, schools and communities, and reducing tobacco use. But this program is in jeopardy. Please take one minute to help us keep this program going by following the link below to send Governor Dayton a letter urging him to fully fund SHIP.

Ask Governor Dayton to Fully Fund the SHIP Program for a Healthier Minnesota

The Governor will present his budget to the legislature in a few days so he needs to hear from you TODAY—keep the vision of a healthier Minnesota; focus on preventing heart disease; fully fund SHIP. Your action today will ensure that many more Minnesotans live to see another day, children have a healthier start at life, and healthier food choices and opportunities for physical activity are available to every person in our communities.

Ask Governor Dayton to Fully Fund the SHIP Program for a Healthier Minnesota

Thank you for your continued support!

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